Sometimes it feels hard to imagine that mom life could be simple.
There are so many demands on our time.
There is so much to remember.
There are so many freaking toys.
But by being intentional about what we allow into our lives, we can make our days a lot easier.
So simple living starts with acknowledging that you have the power to choose.
- You choose what you allow in your head.
- You choose where you spend your time.
- You choose what gets a spot in your home.
- And you can make a different choice anytime.
Let’s talk for a minute about what simple living is and is not.
What Is Simple Living?
Simple living is sometimes used as a synonym for minimalism, and while having too many possessions can feel anything but simple, so can trying to move through your day without conveniences that would make life easier.
Simple living is not a contest to see who can have the fewest possessions.
Simple living sometimes brings to mind the homesteading movement—a return to a more traditional, self-reliant way of life. Honestly, there’s nothing about canning veggies or raising chickens that sounds simple to me, though.
Simple living doesn’t mean that you have to avoid modern conveniences.
The term simple living might make you think of:
- frugality
- better work-life balance
- sustainability
- any number of about a zillion other words and phrases
And you know what?
You’d be right.
Simple living means whatever you say it does.
Ok, but Could You Be More Specific?
Simple living is what remains when you’ve cut out all the “extra” from your life. You’ve said goodbye to stuff, activities, and people that weren’t making your life better. You’ve made room in your house, your brain, and your calendar to enjoy the essential stuff.
When you get it right, simple living doesn’t feel like a sacrifice.
It’s the opposite. It feels like you hit the lottery and won back space, money, time, and energy that you can spend on the things that are truly important to you.
Although minimalism is big right now, living simply can still feel a bit counterculture, especially in America where I live. We’re constantly encouraged to buy more, do more, and be more.
Living simply means saying “no” to all this more, more, more and creating space in your life for what matters to you.
How to Get Started with Simple Living
So if you’ve decided you want to live more simply, where can you start?
Well, Mama, there’s something that brought you here to read this. Something that you know is just too much. Something that causes you to lie awake at night, yell at your kids, or feel sick to your stomach.
Start there.
Declutter Your Stuff
Maybe it’s the physical clutter. For a lot of us, this is the first thing we think of when we decide to simplify—our over-stuffed garages and closets that are full of things that don’t “spark joy”.
There are a million tactics for getting rid of this unnecessary stuff, but whatever method you choose, just start. Today. And plan to spend regular, focused time on it as often as possible to gradually chip away at the stuff that makes your life feel complicated.
Know that this decluttering will probably feel emotional. Understand that it might take awhile.
It’s worth it.
As someone who’s gotten rid of nearly everything I owned, I can assure you, I have never regretted it.
My FREE Declutter Jump Start helps you build a 10-minutes-at-a-time decluttering habit while you play Bingo.
Yes, really.
Declutter Your Calendar
Maybe it’s your calendar that’s too cluttered. You’ve taken on too many obligations and said “yes” to too many people, and now your days are packed full.
You can change your mind now.
You can say no to activities that aren’t serving you, whether it’s forcing your kid to keep taking those karate lessons or continuing to serve on the PTA at his school.
And any activity that you choose to keep can be simplified, too—polished down to its most essential bits.
Because that’s what simple living means to me at the end of the day. Essentialism. Paring away all that stuff you don’t really care about to make loads of room for what you do care about.
And anybody can do that–even a busy mama like you.
Want to read more about simple living?
Some of my favorite blog posts about simple living include:
- 8 Tips You Need to Make Purging Emotional Clutter Easier
- The #1 Rule You Need to Get Rid of Clutter Everywhere
- 6 Secrets You Need to Clear Mental Clutter and Banish Mom Brain
- Want to Get Rid of Everything You Own? Here’s How to Do It
- 9 Easy Tips to Get Rid of Toy Clutter Once and for All
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